My name is Kurniayaty.I'm turning 12 this year.I live in Malaysia.Used to live in Singapore.Now I homeschool.I don't go to school but I do school.Like,if you get it. :S
Okay so anyway,I'm a super big fan of Naruto.You know,the Number-One-Hyperactive-Knucklehead-Ninja;NARUTO UZUMAKI!

And I learn new words too!English,of course.And some Japanese words and so it's one way I can convince mom it's a good thing to watch(XD) And so therefore I'm interested in Japanese stuff.Examples;Japanese songs,Japanese food,Japanese stuff.And more Japanese stuff,like yaa.I love animals.Used to have a fat hamster.He died just before we moved out. :(
So now we have a kitten.She's not really our's.She's a stray cat.She really loves her mom.Everytime we give her food she invites her mom to eat too.And her name is 'Cantik'.It means 'pretty' in Malay.And her features really describes her name.She has orange and white fur.She's not really that skinny,nor that furry.And whenever she sits up straight,she looks so ladylike.I like it when she does that.It makes her look so...cantik.
Family?Well you could say we're not really an average family.Dad has a family who's all so crazy,so that makes him kinda crazy too.Not all the time though.Mom can be pretty funny too.My sister,a super big fan of David Archuleta.She's random all the time though.

My brother,a marep.I don't know if he's into 'tektonik' or if he's a 'tektonik' or yadda-yadda-yadda.I don't even know what it means by the way.I just got it from my cousin's boyfriend (lol she has a boyfriend and she's only 2 years older than me o.O ) I don't know if I'm random.I don't wanna say anything or I might just be self-proclaiming :P My little brother....hmm. Old man betul.
So you could say it's in the blood;our randomness.Yes yes yes.Almost forgot.My sister and I have one most obvious thing in colour....PINK!YAYY!Heheheheh.
Okay enough about me and my family.I should be done by now.Okay my favourite part...NIHONGO NO TANGO!(JAPANESE WORDS!) Well,it's not much.Just 'Goodbye' in Japanese.Okay.SAYONARA! Heiwa Auto.(Peace Out) :3
Hey I told you to write in proper English! But okay for the introduction I guess you can write like this.
ReplyDeleteYou need to elaborate more (give examples).
Kekkon nipponjin dansei no ra -.^
ReplyDeleteLolz Kak.Didi what the hellw you talking